Thursday, December 27, 2018

Goals and Game Plan

With January 1st coming in just 5 days, do you have a game plan yet? Everyone seems to make resolutions that they want to complete before the year is up. I like to make big goals and then have daily goals to get there. Like my BIG goal is to become healthier overall and loose 100 pounds from my heaviest. It seems daunting, but if I have daily goals and a plan, I CAN DO HARD THINGS!

A football coach doesn't just tell his players "All you have to do is make a touch down". He does research, holds practices and works through the game with plays. We can't just say "I'm going to loose 100 pounds" and it just happens (unless you loose a limb in a freak accident, that would be sad), we need to have Goals and Game Plans!

Here is my game plan:
Water Goals: Drink 1 gallon a day
How: Keep track of what I drink, use a gallon jug and use an app to remind me to drink water

Exercise Goals: 30 min -1 hour a day
How: League Volleyball, Walking the indoor track, At home workouts, chasing my kids around the apartment... keeping track with my activity tracker!

and the Lastly the hard one...
Dietary Goals: KETO 6 months (we were doing so good up until Thanksgiving... we shall not talk about that, because the cool part is -you can always start over! YAY)
How: Intermittent Fasting (16:8 -if you don't know what this is, it's awesome and you should do some research! If it goes well for us, I'll write a post about it, I'm super excited about it) Counting Calories(1200 a day)  and sticking to the KETO macro rules (70% fat, 25% Protein and 5% carbs about 20 grams a day)

When I was writing down my goals the other day I was overwhelmed, I not only have health goals, but we also had a column with financial goals, mom goals, spiritual and mental goals. The lists never seems to end. I thought about it a little more and it's okay to have lots of goals! It just means you are trying to better yourself and improve and that's OKAY. It's not okay to give up! We can all do hard things!

I'm so excited to see where this year takes us and I'm excited to have so many supportive people in our lives. Bring on 2019!!

Goals and Game Plan

With January 1st coming in just 5 days, do you have a game plan yet? Everyone seems to make resolutions that they want to complete before th...